Laurie Lewis
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If you are looking for the Laurie Lewis who is a talented American singer/songwriter, you have come to the wrong place.
The Laurie Lewis who mutters along at this address is a little-old-lady just turned 90 something, still feisty, still mouthy.

In this insightful, moving, and often very funny collection, Laurie Lewis reflects on all that a long and at times difficult life has offered her, with an honesty that will knock you flat. From the mundane to the sublime, she allows nothing to escape notice … a further reveal – this time in poetic form – of her intelligence, her cheeky wit, and her incomparable vision.
– Carolyn Smart, author of Hooked and Careen
$17 paper
Available at Novel Idea Books, 156 Princess Street | Kingston
613-546-9799 | novid@kingston.net | http://novelideabooks.ca

Little Comrades